

The effect of pregnancy on endometriosis—facts or fiction?

Brigitte Leeners 1,*, Fabia Damaso1, Nicole Ochsenbein-Kölble2,and Cindy Farquhar3

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-BACKGROUND: It is not uncommon for women with endometriosis to be advised that becoming pregnant might be a useful

strategy to manage their symptoms and reduce disease progression. Consequently, many women diagnosed with endometriosis

and motivated to become pregnant, may also have expectations regarding improvement of symptoms and the disease. However,

study results on the effect of pregnancy on endometriosis are controversial and pregnancy in women with endometriosis is not

always associated with improved symptoms. Moreover, there is increasing evidence that endometriosis may interfere with a successful

pregnancy outcome.

keywords: pregnancy / endometriosis / pain / decidualization / recurrence / pathophysiology